Do you have a whale between where you are and where you should be?

But Jonah made a choice to go against what God was calling him to do. He completely turned his back and headed in the opposite direction of where God wanted him to be.
Have you been in that predicament? Has God called you to accomplish a task but you aren’t doing it?
Why not? Or a better question is:
What is the whale standing in your way?
Recently, I felt a tug from God. In my heart I felt the nudge to get going. People are in need and time is wasting. He has called me to action and it’s time for me to get moving. Although he nudged, I balked. But God, I can’t because…….. My excuses became larger than life – more like whales.
· I feel too much pain…
· My family needs me…
· I don’t have the means…
· I’m not smart enough…
· No one will care anyway…
Gently God spoke through His Word to me from Isaiah 42:6 & 2 Peter 1:3. I am called to demonstrate God’s love to the world. He promises to take my hand and walk through it with me. His divine power has given me everythingI need including time, money, resources, knowledge and support to do what He called me to do. That is a promise!
I am assured if God called me something, he supplies the resources needed to accomplish it.
Suddenly those whale sized excuses shrunk down to their genuine small dimension. It is only when we struggle with God over a direction – our excuses grow in magnitude.

1. Simply, do it.
2. Be forced to do it.
3. Get left out when God uses someone else to do what he wanted to bless you with.
I don’t want to miss what God has for me. Do you?