Should I walk away then? Or shun them? Should I take it all back, be angry and simply write them off? I find it frustrating to give them everything I can, yet they won’t accept my love.

And a still small voice said, “Now you know how I feel. I have loved you Dana with an everlasting love. And I have drawn you with loving-kindness. I laid down my life for you. I have given my very best for you but you won’t believe it.
You think you don’t deserve it. You think you have to earn it. But all you have to do is receive it.”

Oh Lord, what a life lesson for someone who thinks and sees in picture stories. I feel the pain I have caused you. I can see what I have done by not receiving your love. Forgive me Lord for thinking I know best and that I can do your job. Thank you that in spite of my wrong beliefs you didn’t give up on me and continued to love me. I receive your love Lord and ask that you would renew a right spirit within me. I believe you Lord, help my unbelief.