I started to blame others. Where could they be? It had the key to my house, car, mailbox, office, tags for stores and the gym. That key chain unlocked all of the important places dear to me. I couldn’t lose my keys!
Yet, many times we lose track of our soul that contains the very essence of who we are. It holds our mind, our emotions and our will. It is our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
Although our soul contains these important elements of our lives, we misplace, misuse, or mistreat them.
How you ask?

1. Letting our minds run rampant. Allowing anything and everything to feed our minds. We believe anything someone says and then repeat it as if it is truth.
2. Allowing deep personal wounds to become infected and ooze bitterness. We rehash the incident repeatedly keeping the wound from healing. We spout resentment and unforgiveness to any that will listen to our story, preserving us as the victim.
3. Keep our emotions raw and unchecked. Any small thing can cause a spark and produce a raging fire of spewing words or out of control behavior.
4. Leave our attitude unchecked.

Caring for our soul is essential but seemingly rarely done. C. S. Lewis said, “We are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul.” We spend countless hours caring for our body with diet, exercise, dress and make-up.
Yet, do we spend time caring for our soul?

I’m in the process of a soul make-over. I want to be rid of selfishness and hatred and closets full of unwanted and unnecessary feelings and emotions I‘ve been hoarding.
Care to join me?