“I can’t stand the thought of turning 50. I’d rather die than turn 50.”
Therefore on my 44thbirthday, I called in sick for my 50th birthday. Six years prior to the date I let my boss know I would be sick on that day.
I told him again on my 45thbirthday,
and again on my 46th,
also on my 47th,
as well as my 48th,
and quite boldly on my 49th.
My friends and family were told in no uncertain terms, was there to be a party. I warned them that IF there was that I would embarrass them by walking out and NOT returning. To declare how serious I was, I made plans to be out of town on my birthday.
Not to be outdone, my friends decided to help prepare me for that fretful day with a 50 day countdown!
On March 4, 2009 I went into work like any other day. I was pleasantly surprised to find throughout the day my favorite things. Magically a vanilla latte from Starbucks appeared along with a Bible verse and a glass vase with shells in it. Later, a plate of chips and guacamole, a can of A & W Rootbeer, a Beth Moore quote, a York peppermint patty and a gift bag were found on my desk.
When I arrived home that night a specially made door hanger was attached to my front door that said, 50 days to 50! I chuckled to myself and thought “They had me!”
Yet when the next day was a repeat to the day before, I became curious and starting asking questions. To which no one would give an answer. Hence for the next fifty days until my actual birthday, I found these same items on my desk E.V.E.R.Y day – and a note on my door E.V.E.R.Y night.
Oh, and that gift bag? It had a new pair of underwear E.V.E.R.Y day with a note that declared, “Put on your big girl panties and deal with it!”
Those friends could not have done anything more perfect for me. No party could have filled my heart with what it needed more than each of their personal gestures. It was hilarious fun!

The day I returned to work following my 50th birthday I came dressed like I thought I would feel……..

The following year I turned in my resignation after working at the church for over 20 years. It was time for me to do what God had called me to do and learn to fly. Yet, even now five years later, I still smile as I reminisce of that time. Because as my wings have expanded, I still feel their love, respect, friendship and support these many years later.
Michaels W. Smith pinned the most heartfelt words about friends when he sang, “And friends are friends forever, If the Lord’s the Lord of them, And a friend will not say never ‘cause the welcome will not end. Though it’s hard to let you go, in the Father’s hands we know, that a lifetime’s not too long to live as friends.”
Honestly, the greatest gift we girlfriends will receive, is to spend eternity together! And then the real party begins…….