My heart hurts.
It aches like the first and only time I started to read a Danielle Steel novel. I read one chapter and threw it away. I never did it again. It was too painful.
Or when I went to the movies with a guy friend from high school and watched Terms of Endearment. I thought I would die of the pain in my chest. I was too embarrassed to sob in front of him, so I tried to hold it in. The drama hit too close to home and I couldn’t contain it as we left the theatre.

Today, I hurt and the pain remains and lingers. I can’t throw the book away; I can’t walk out of the theatre or turn off the television.
It’s my reality. Tears stay close to the surface and at times I just sob. Something is missing. I start to think:
· What did I forget to do?
· Am I supposed to be somewhere?
· What should I be doing?
What is missing is my Bill.
For several years he called me EVERY morning with a Bible verse – now the phone doesn’t ring.
· I miss his voice.
· I miss his friendship.
· I miss caring for him.
· I miss him.

In death you truly realize how fragile life is……