Does He Love Me or Love Me Not?

Have you ever found yourself mentally pulling a flower petal off and chanting loves me, loves me not, loves me, loves me not……wondering about God’s loves toward you? Do you ever ask yourself if prayer is important? Does prayer accomplish anything? Does it ever fall on deaf ears? Does prayer really change things?

Let me think………in the last two weeks:

·    My 30+ nephew who competes in Triathlons was hit by a car while on his bike in San Clemente. His shoulder sustained substantial damage……

·      My 30+ daughter had a tire iron go through the driver side windshield while travelling 65 mph on the freeway. It stopped 5 inches from her face….she is the mother of 4 daughters….

·         My sister kissed her Marine son good bye as he boarded a plane…..

·         My sister in law has been wounded by hurtful words….

·         My niece is struggling with her marriage…..

·         My son unearthed some bones on a construction site that he thought were human bones…..

·         My mother in law is now under hospice care now and needs constant care….

Did my prayers change anything? Absolutely! God had his hand on each scenario. I pray for protection for my family members. I pray for wisdom for them. I pray for peace and favor for each one. I also pray that each of us would allow God to flow through them and glorify him.

This morning as I covered these things in prayer, I also asked for protection around Nanny’s house where I stay a few days a week. I envisioned angels sitting at the four corners of her property and her mobile home. I prayed that she would be wrapped in peace as she lies in her bed contemplating her remaining days. I prayed for comfort and that she would open up and talk about what she feels or thinks or is afraid of…….because she has always been so private.

 As I was praying my mind went to what a wonderful life she has had. What an awesome wife she was to Henry. She loved him with her whole being and has missed him terribly since he passed away. I recalled great family events over the years and it was all because of her. She oozes love… her family, her friends, and everyone around her.

I found as I contemplated her wonderful life, I jumped to my seemingly shallow one……and found myself saying to God, “I am sorry I am such a disappointment.”

Instantly….I was taken back like a reprimanded child. I heard God say to me boldly, “You have never nor ever will be a disappointment!” And scripture came surging to my mind:

·         You are treasured ……Deut. 26:18

·         I have loved you with an everlasting love…. Jeremiah 31:3

·         I have chosen you……Colossians 3:12

·         You bring me great pleasure…Ephesians 1:5

·         I will never leave you or forsake you…. Deut 31:6

·         You are my workmanship, created in me to do good works……. Ephesians 2:10

·         You are valuable……Luke 12:7

·         My grace is all you need…..2 Cor. 12:9

Yes, prayer is important. It is an open dialogue with God, the creator of the universe.

Yes, prayer can accomplish much. God can be where you cannot be. God can work through – what you are unable to.

No, prayer does not fall on deaf ears. God is always available and always listening. He loves to talk with you!

Yes, prayer changes things. Yes, my daughter and nephew are alive today because prayer changes things.

So, what do you think?
Does he love me?
Or love me not?

He definitely loves me!
Love me “not” was NEVER an option……..


About the author

Dana Rausch

Dana has been married since 1980, has three adult children and eight grandchildren. She loves that they are all living within 10 miles of each other in the Southern California desert. She enjoys reading, writing and teaching. Dana delights in the gift God has given her to teach life lessons from the Bible through picture stories.

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