Dear Vicki,
I can’t begin to fathom the depth of pain you have endured. I truly cannot say I know how you feel but I want you to know you are loved.
A picture story comes to mind my friend…..
Recently while caring for my mother in law, I had been on a 10 minute walk and she had fallen while I was gone. Upon returning we found her sitting on the ground in front of her couch. She was confused and disoriented but what I recall in detail is that her hand was tucked behind her and when we went to pull it out her skin being so thin had just peeled back and bled.
When I try to comprehend your pain I think of that picture because for a mother….. her children are like her own skin. They are such a vital part that it must feel like peeling off your own skin.
An ancient proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child.” You my dear friend have had a village that has treasured you, supported you and loved your children as if they were their own. And the whole village is in mourning over your cub.

More assuredly know that God knows EXACTLY how you feel…. because he also lost his son.
You are so dearly loved my friend.