
It is easy to observe others and critique. criticize button
·      Why can’t they ______________?
·      Why don’t they ______________?
·       Why won’t they _____________?

I don’t know about you, but I usually have the answer for them. If they would just do this…… then this would happen. Their life can be so much better if they would only ____________. I can see the writing on the wall, why can’t they?

This is my experience every time I watch the show “Hoarders”.hoarding

·       Why can’t they see the predicament they are in?
·       Why don’t they simply listen to counsel?
·       Why won’t they just get rid of the junk?
It seems so simple but it’s not. They began to hold on to things. They started hiding in life. Their sense of security was challenged. They began trusting in wrong things. And then they are stuck.
Just like me.
no honest critique
Although I don’t hoard junk, I hoard wrong thoughts, offenses, and behavior.
I couldn’t see the dilemma I was in. Although friends and family tried to warn me, I didn’t listen. I took the easy way out and didn’t stop a toxic relationship. I trusted that person, and thought they had my back. Instead they shattered my security by embezzlement.
Two years later I can now see a pin drop of light at the end of the tunnel. For just as the $150,000.00 of debt slowly diminishes, we become informed of $57,000.00 more. Our savings account of $100,000.00 no longer exists. It seems like we are living on a wing and a prayer.
Yet like the hoarders on TV, I’m cleaning out. And in the process I’ve learned a few things as a Christian:one thing TRUST ME
·       Adversity is inevitable, but trusting in God is essential.
·       People fail, God doesn’t.
·       Although I don’t understand why now, I know He holds my future.
·       Sometimes God closes a door because you refused to make a change. So he moved you.
·       Holding on to anger is like drinking poison but expecting the other person to die.
whatever you believe on insideNo, many couldn’t see my “junk” on the outside; however it was on the inside. Those close to me observed and endured the turmoil of my negative thoughts leading to bad behavior.  In the midst of my emotional chaos, God chose to steer me in a different direction straight through difficulty.
I am eternally grateful that He loves me enough to step in to my emotional garbage and help me. I’ve learned trust in a whole new dimension. For whatever comes, we will overcome!

About the author

Dana Rausch

Dana has been married since 1980, has three adult children and eight grandchildren. She loves that they are all living within 10 miles of each other in the Southern California desert. She enjoys reading, writing and teaching. Dana delights in the gift God has given her to teach life lessons from the Bible through picture stories.

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