Returning to my car later, I started it, plugged in my iphone to charge and began driving. Out of nowhere a loud unknown song came blaring out of my speakers. The radio was turned off the CD was over, so where was this song coming from? It was not from my playlist so it couldn’t be from my phone.

Often, I experience the same thing with the enemy. Something happens and I become frustrated because I don’t know what to do. Circumstances, thoughts or emotions are booming at me and I don’t know why or often where they are coming from.

However, I’ve caught on to his devices and changed my tactics. What did I do?
1. Sought help.
I am endeavoring to not do life alone. Seeking help from others brings clarity to situations that appear cloudy from my view point. But from their clear perspective I can trust their guidance to lead me out of the haze.
2. Learned a lesson.
Interestingly, I learned how I got into this situation. Because I had previously opened a link on my iphone, it automatically downloaded a music album. Just like the enemy, he gets an open door and begins pouring in things we would not or did not choose. Frustration and irritation take over because we don’t know how we got in this situation.
3. Closed the access point.

Once again, I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw…..