Breaking The Ice

This week in a news report a Russian ship has been stuck in the icy waters off Antarctica. Another ship was sent to the rescue but also became trapped. Therefore a U.S. Coast Guard ship equipped to assist in these types of situations has been sent to the region.

As I read the article, I quickly rephrased it to depict my “heart” situation:

At the request of Dana Rausch’s friends and family, Kathy Collard Miller, Dee Brestin and Beth Moore are coming to the rescue to help break up hardened ice around Dana Rausch’s heart.  In that they have personally experienced the same scenario, they are knowledgeable, skillful and experts to assist her in the endeavor.

In a statement made by one of the professionals, “We are always compelled by the love of Christ, to help our sisters who are paralyzed in the cruel environment of believing lies about themselves. “ Therefore they have sufficient concern that Dana may not be able to break free from the frozen situation.

Stranded for several years with pastors, church leaders and teachers who have been unsuccessful in their attempts to free her, she has humbly reached out for help.

Rounding up their supplies of Bible, pen, paper, chocolate and coffee; after drenching themselves in intercession prayer, they have begun their voyage to help free her.

Their first step in the process was to airlift numerous Bible verses to prepare her for the assault of nausea that happens when our thought processes are rocked. When they arrive, they will begin the second step to sift through the hardened heart to remove damaging, detrimental, and scarring words that have been believed.

Once that procedure is rolling, they will fill each empty place with the truth of God’s Word. To err in not filling those spaces left hollow with the truth; will inadvertently revoke all prior progress. Not only will she be stuck in the same situation, but the propensity to become more bound in the negative thought processes is certain.

The heavy duty heart icebreaker named, “Love Melts” is the only one of its kind. The three professionals coming along to enable Dana to break-through have been trained and disciplined thus proficient in the art of overhauling a heart frozen from hateful lies. Each of them having walked through the same experience was set free with the help of the master craftsman.

Progress is slow but certain when the steps are followed. Break through is anticipated to take place in the next few weeks, yet the process of keeping her heart warm, pliable and teachable is a lifelong endeavor.

Reporting live from the scene…….


“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words.

Do not let them out of your sight; keep them within your heart;

For they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”

Proverbs 4:20-22

About the author

Dana Rausch

Dana has been married since 1980, has three adult children and eight grandchildren. She loves that they are all living within 10 miles of each other in the Southern California desert. She enjoys reading, writing and teaching. Dana delights in the gift God has given her to teach life lessons from the Bible through picture stories.

Kathy Collard Miller - January 12, 2014

Thank heaven, I can bring chocolate! Dana, great post of what God wants to do in all our lives. Love love love the graphic of the heart being freed from the ice. Send me that link for it, OK? And thank you for showing my book cover. I can assure you that the ice around your heart is indeed melting. And God is doing a work in me too! Love you!

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